Places I've Eaten

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golden boy you need a reason to go

Ah North Beach, where there is a pizza joint around every corner, seriously, there really is. There are more in this square area than pretty much anywhere else in town. Granted, it is the Italian neighborhood so you would figure there would be some, but it also has to do with all the night clubs in the area. I mean, when you've had a few (too many), pizza is something a lot of people start craving. It is why many of the places open later in the day and stay open till very late in the evening. 

But I'm in the hood on a bright sunny Sunday and wandering around for no particular reason when hunger pangs not associated with alcohol make their appearance. Then I am all, WTF, let's get some pizza, I've been walking around all day and deserve a treat! (Yikes! The things our minds convince us of!) I don't want a sit down spot, just some place to grab a slice, of which there are several to choose from. That is when the famous neon finger comes into view and points me in the direction of Golden Boy Pizza

It is kind of like a long narrow dive bar meets a seems kind of sketchy pizza joint. But only half of that is true. Most of the place is a long bar you can imbibe and nosh at. But, you can also just get a slice of their signature square pizza to eat in or take away and enjoy. You order at a small spot just inside the door, which usually leads there always being some sort of line, which can be deceiving. Most folks know the drill, so the line moves quickly. It also helps that they only do four or five types of pizza and they are prominently displayed in the front window so you can make your decision before your turn comes. 

I  figure I will just go all in and get two different slices that offer the most toppings and the biggest extremes in what they offer. 

combo pizza slice

First up was the combo slice with pepperoni, sausage, mushroom zucchini, mushroom, tomato and onion for $4.25. A good price for a pretty decent sized slice for sure. They also don't skimp on toppings and cheese, you get plenty of each. And underneath is a slim spread of tomato sauce, which I kind of like. This comes across as more of an open faced sandwich and there is nothing wrong with that. It is cheesy and delicious. The toppings sit on a doughy pizza crust somewhere between focaccia and soft thick white bread. Normally I'm of the thin crust pizza type but for this, it works. The dough is both buttery and slightly soft doughy chewy, almost like it and the cheese are one. Again, with all the meat and veggies here, it just works and this one slice would be more than enough to fill you up. But this is me and I did try another different option. 

clam and garlic pizza slice

Yeah, I can't believe I asked for this either, but somehow out of my mouth tumbled the words, "and I'll also take a slice of the clam and garlic." Again, they definitely didn't skimp on either of them along with all that greenery I think was parsley. Plus another big slice for $4.25. Now I like clams, though usually I have them battered and deep fried or in some kind of chowder thingy. On a pizza was a new taste experience. While I didn't hate it, I did think the clams on here tasted kind of fishy, but trust me when I say, the garlic was even more pronounced and helped cover up much of that flavor. 

In fact, after a couple bites, I kind of scraped off much of the clam and left a lot of the garlic. From there it sort of reminded me of garlic fries you get at ball games, just with cheese and on bread. I felt I was sweating garlic the rest of the day, but it is supposed to be good for you right? I'll just say this is for a specific taste and you have any reservations about either garlic or clams, well, you just better skip this. 

Considering the type of pizza dough and the abundance of toppings and cheese, I can understand the popularity of this place, especially if you looking for something to "soak up some alcohol," as this will certainly do that. But, all that cheese and bread goodness will definitely satisfy those with who like their pizzas thick and hearty. I would definitely hit this place again, though next time, I'll leave the clams to the professionals and stay old school with a single slice of one of their other choices as that will hit the spot, no matter what time of day or night it is. 



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