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Junk Food Junkie: Cinnabon Cream Cheese Frosting.....No Cinnamon Bun

Well, we’ve made it to December and that means the holidays are upon us! But let’s be real, the minute Halloween is done really is when things kick in for many people. At this point I don’t know why we don’t just lump it all together as Thanksmas or Christmagiving. We can change all the displays to have Pilgrims and Native Americans visiting the nativity, sacrificing one of the turkeys in the barn as an offering then sitting down for dinner with the wisemen, Joseph and Mary after she gives birth. Imagine the possibilities! I mean the holidays were usurped from the Pagans and Druids celebrating Solstice anyway why not make our own. Especially since we are the only country celebrating that Thanksgiving thing. Just a thought.

The arrival of the holidays also means the joy of eating and bringing on the poundage. This in addition to the fattening that already started when I moved here. What better way to kick it all off than with some junk food of a sort. I know I have mentioned (more than a few times!) I am a fan of cream cheese frosting pretty much anything thus it should come as no surprise that when Cinnabon announced they would be (finally!) selling their “signature frosting” as a stand alone by the pint, you know I was all over it.

To be honest here, as far as Cinnabon cinnamon rolls go for me, they are alright. My true fondness was for the ones Safeway used to make and oddly enough, that post was (and weirdly still is) one of my most read blogs. Go figure. As for Cinnabon, I always found them be a tad too doughy and under done for my tastes. It all seemed to just devolve into a pile of cinnamon mush which I kind of found unappealing. Plus, because they serve them warm, the frost just completely melts into the gooey mess. And then they never really give you enough frosting to start with and want to charge you for more it just all adds up to pass for me.

Really the two best things about the place is the smell of the buns baking and the frosting, in its solid form. Fortunately (or, maybe not) for me and everyone out there, you can now get Cinnabon cream cheese signature frosting in a handy pint for about $5.

Cinnabon cream cheese frosting

Look at it! They have even holiday’d it up with a snowman! It just screams Christmas! Even though you can get this year round. But hey, Christmas everyday, isn’t that what we all want? It would be like we are all stuck in some Black Mirror episode I’m sure but at least you would have the “signature frosting.”

cream cheese frosting close-up

Just look at it. Packed into a pint like ice cream. And in a sense it is a version of milk/cream mixed with sugar which is the same as ice cream, except there is the addition of butter, which makes everything better! In this form it is just screaming to be eaten right out of the pint with a spoon like ice cream, so please, spare me, because that is what we/me/I am/was/always intended to do. Not in one sitting of course, even though I probably could but didn’t. No, really, I didn’t so save all your judgey mcjudginess for someone else.

It is thick and creamy at the same time. Ready to spread upon anything you want. It does need to be refrigerated which can stiffen it up a bit but just leave it out to soften at room temp, don’t but it in microwave because it will separate faster than a Housewife from her second husband!

I realize quite well I could just as easily whip up a batch of frosting myself. It is pretty simple and I have done it on many an occasion. Cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar a dash of vanilla and mix—voila! You’ve got cream cheese frosting. Sometimes the simple things are the best. So why buy a tub of it from Cinnabon? Well, if they are going to make it I’m going to try it, duh! Also, if I am travelling through an airport and jonesing for something sweet I can just swing by and pick up a pint since you no longer get food on a plane. I can lick down on some of it then sugar crash sleep and wake up as the plane lands at my destination. Seems like the perfect way to travel. (They are usually inside the security gates like the one at Charlotte NC airport, yes I know it, so the fact it is a cream won’t matter. I have already thought this through for you)

Do you need to try this? Eh, probably not. Since it was frosting, I couldn’t pass it up and was totally down for it. Is it good? HAHAHAHAH! Silly question. IT IS CREAM CHEESE FROSTING! If that isn’t enough to tempt you then I’m sorry for your lack of dessert soul and we may as well break up now. If you don’t like frosting I see no future for us. Just as well and fine with me as I can eat my feelings by tucking into an entire tub of Cinnabon’s cream cheese “signature frosting.” I love it and that is all that matters. Now excuse me while I get back to my frosting date.