Single serving: breakfast sandwich from Philz Coffee...hmmmm

Single serving: breakfast sandwich from Philz Coffee...hmmmm

Well, it has definitely been awhile since I've been on the breakfast sandwich kick. That is what happens when you work at a place that seems to supply snacks and food for every meal. Not a complaint, just a sign of my "too lazy to go elsewhere" thingy. Then poof, one day lunch is sushi and we all know how I feel about it. Raw fish, rice and seaweed--three things on my no way, not again, don't wanna eat list. (And yes, the list is longer than just those three) I could smell the fish before I even got near and immediately turned around and headed out. The part of town I'm in doesn't necessarily portend itself to getting a quick bite, but there is a Philz Coffee around the corner and to be honest, I'd never really been in one since I don't drink coffee (another list item). 

Seemed like a good time to at least check them out for maybe a baked good or something. They did have a few of those but they also had a couple of breakfast sandwiches and one 'em seemed like a decent lunch alternative. 

bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich

bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich

Of course I went for the bacon thing, though they had a sausage one too but I wasn't in an English muffin mood. Instead, this one comes on a toasted brioche bun all for about $5. Why that's a bargain in SF! 

It ain't the biggest of things and will pretty much fit in the palm of your hand so I'll call it a sort of mini breakfast sandwich. I did happen to catch a glimpse of it being made and while it is served warm, they have one of those quick convection heat things and I thought, at least it wasn't a microwave. The egg was a little odd as they don't crack a fresh one, she pulled pre-made circle of egg from the fridge. Who know they made frozen egg patties? Is that a thing? Apparently, it is

You do get ample amounts of bacon so you can get it in each bite and the bun was soft. Though I will ding them as they should have buttered it and without some kind of condiment, it came across is dry. Though, they probably do that on purpose to get you to buy a coffee or something to wash it down with. 

I mean in the grand scheme of things, for the size and price, it was all right, but not something I'd consider a go to breakfast sandwich. I still like the one from Super Duper Burger better as they at least crack open an egg and fry it up for you. And I'm pretty sure the egg Mcmuffin from you know who uses real cracked eggs too--and it is cheaper than this one. I think if I base it on the only other choice a block away, it is better than what you can get at the mini mart, mostly. 

While I wasn't wowed by the thing, they say beggars can't be choosers considering my limited options. If nothing else, it was a better to me than the sushi. Faint praise for sure, but I'll take bacon over raw fish every time. 

Food news and nosh meets cookie time

Food news and nosh meets cookie time

Burgers! San Francisco edition....part one

Burgers! San Francisco edition....part one