Food news nosh and a real meat throw back

Food news nosh and a real meat throw back

a plate of meat and veggies in Budapest

a plate of meat and veggies in Budapest

Time for a little trip down food memory lane as I found myself scrolling through my old pics and came across this winner. This was several years before I started food blogging and social media-ing in excess. Me and the SO were in Budapest (yes Hungary) and as usual I couldn't make up my mind what I was in the mood for as we wandered up and down one of the main drags where many restaurants were located. I just kept looking at menus and was like, eh, maybe. Eventually when this happens, the SO reaches a "JUST PICK ONE!" point and sometimes, we will end up right back at the first spot we came across. Yeah, I know, but I like to see what my options are. We sat outside on the side and order up something simple called the meat grill. The above is what came. A giant platter of grilled chicken, steak, sausages, pork and an assortment of fried and grilled veggies. While I can't quite remember what it cost, I do remember we loved every bite we could get down. There was more meat under that meat and we stuffed ourselves silly. Add in a the bottle of wine and it was quite the memorable meal in a foreign country. They haven't all been winners, but this one certainly was. Now let's see what is going on around here. 

Burgers! San Francisco edition....part one

Burgers! San Francisco edition....part one

Bay Area burger bonanza

Bay Area burger bonanza