Places I've Eaten

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Sometimes you run across the most unexpected things in random places. Such was the case recently when I was in tiny sandwich shop grabbing a bite and came across the little nugget above. Being from the South I am an ardent fan of pecan pie, even though the best of them can be sugar bombs of the utmost sweetness. Still, I'm usually undaunted by that and decided to give this pre-packaged version a shot to see if it even comes close to the original. As you can see in the below picture they come close to replicating the filling in both color and texture. (It's an interesting mix of brown sugar, corn syrup, eggs, butter and vanilla, for the most part) They also got a cooked crust type topping that should have been a mix of pecans and sugar (see lots of sugar). For the most part, it sort of tasted like a pecan pie. Though comparatively, the crust wasn't quite buttery enough and it lacked actual whole pecans on top to give it some needed crunch and texture. I'm pretty sure there were small bits of crushed pecans on top, but they were few and far between. Oddly enough, this is one of my favorite nuts and I just happened to have some of them around the house so I added my own to this version and sure enough, it brought the flavor level up a notch and the sugar level (at least taste wise) down a notch. So overall, not terrible, moderately edible, a very sweet treat and in a pinch, a decent $1 dessert substitute for those of us who can stand a sugar bomb or two. I do think if they up the actual pecan quotient it could be even better than most, though, considering the cost of nuts these days, probably not gonna happen.