your weekly digestion of food news to consume and this.....

your weekly digestion of food news to consume and this.....

It had been awhile since the SO and I ventured to our little neighborhood French cafe The Butler and The Chef. Family was visiting and what better time to eat at an old favorite than with newbies. Normally we try to hit this place later in the day since Sunday brunch in San Francisco produces lines and waits that surpass hunger pangs, but we decided to chance it. There was a milling group when we arrived and I'm not sure what they were waiting for (outside seats?) but we didn't have to wait and got a table almost immediately. Score! This time out I decided to pass on my always reliable go tos of quiche or croque madame and got the champignon: mushroom, egg and cheese crepe. That's still French right? A buckwheat crepe with Comte cheese, egg and sauteed mushrooms. With the side spinach salad you almost feel healthy eating it. Soft, almost creamy like crepe filled with sturdy cheese, somewhere between gooey and chewy and just this side of al dente mushrooms. It's a breakfast/brunch hearty enough to fill you up with out feeling so heavy you wanna have a nap afterwards. Though I'm sure had we gotten mimosas we might have felt different. Overall, a tasty dish for vegetarians and the rest of us. Service here is also pleasant and efficient. I guess that's not really French, but in this instance, I'll totally look past that. 

cockscomb in soma part's the lead up to all the meat

cockscomb in soma part's the lead up to all the meat

single serving: picnic on third breakfast sandwich....gonna have to nitpick

single serving: picnic on third breakfast sandwich....gonna have to nitpick